■Japanese Page
Introduction of Sado’s Four Seasons
Japanese classic traditions and culture, such as old temples and Noh plays, are found on Sado Island. This is partly because Sado’s people over generations have maintained various arts and intellectual achievements which were brought from the mainland when Sado Gold Mine flourished during the Edo period. Below is a brief introduction to our four seasons.
Spring (March to May)
Noh_play More than 30 Noh stages are preserved on the island. Regular Noh plays are presented from May to October.
Sado Onidaiko Festival
(Deity-masked dance)
Onidaiko is Sado’s vigorous dance performance. On the 4th Sunday of May, a number of Onidaiko groups get together and perform.
Sado Kanzo
(Yellow-day Lilies)
The Sotokaifu Coastal area, the northern part of the island, is a natural habitat boasting arrays of yellow-day lilies. The annual festival is held on the 2nd Sunday of June and Sado’s traditional dance performances are presented with flowers as a background.
Summer (June to August)
Earth Celebration This is an International Art Fair of Kodo-an internationally renowned taiko group based on Sado. Every year, Kodo invites prominent musicians and creates an earthy feel surrounded by rich nature. The festival runs for three days, featuring outdoor concerts, hands-on events and free fringe activities. For more information, contact KODO at: 0259-81-4100  Go to KODO.
Autumn (September to December)
Sado International
Dubbed as Ironman Race, the race is held on the 1st Sunday of September.